Sunday, May 08, 2011

Rainy Days

Wow, I'm actually ashamed in myself.. 
Tis JunkiPie here, finally reporting to the rest of the world outside of "sunny, sunny" England...

(Sunny being taken with a pinch of salt since it is completely tipping it down outside -__-)

Okay, next up.. Apologies. 
Seems a little hypocritical 'n' all since the last post (IN APRIL) was about apologies, buhhhht... This time we have a reason! :)

Recently, MikiPoo and myself had an art exam on the 3rd and 4th of may, and we had to prepare for it like nuts, which left no time for blogging *cries*, so will you all forgive us.. For failing?

Please?! :S

So to make up for it, even though we broke our last promise, we shall keep up to date with posts ;D
Which then leads me to.........

WE HAVE A NEW BLOG!! "Whoop Whoop" do I hear you cry? 
It's called 'Diary of a UWO' and you can find it ----> HERE!!
It'll be about thing's that happen during the day which we find amusing, pictures, video's, Basically an online "journal" :D Soooooooo we can then be more specific about what we use this Blog for..  .. :D 

Even after all this, we will still need a bit of time to get up to speed with things, and make these 2 blogs KICKASS, (Blame exams)

P.s Check out the new blog.. Here :D