Saturday, October 08, 2011

London: Knitting and Stitching Show 2011

On Thursday, Miiks and myself went to the Knitting and Stitching Show in Alexandra Palace in London with our college textile's class, so we could gain inspiration for our course :)
During our short but condensed time we spent there, we *had* to discover 4 artist's we liked enough to write about and use in our sketchbooks..

It was a lot harder than it sounds. -__-

As you can imagine with a KNITTING show there were literally loads of old ladies and I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world, so they were (ever-so-slightly) irritating, which made some of the aisles impossible to pass through without walking into half of them. Didn't help that their faces were at elbow height either. :|

Also, Miiks and I are both quite picky over artist's work so a lot of time was spent thinking "No, no, no, no, OOH I LIKE!!!, No, no, no..." and so on xD

After finally managing to find art that we liked, we had to go through the laborious process of waiting (for old biddies') and asking the artist whether we could take a picture of their work or not. Ja, Kinda boring I know, so I got told off a few times for taking photo's... My bad!! :L
 Due to this reason, I don't think i'll be putting any artist's work on here...

Whilst walking around the place, Miiks kept getting super excited. Over felt. :L
Funny at first, but then after a while of her going "FEEEELLLT!!" and hitting my arm, she started getting static shocks xD

JunkiPie 1 - 0 MiikiPoo 

Quite near the end, we were just waddling around and BAMM we come across Gilda Baron's stall, THE ACTUAL Gilda Baron was there too! (Miiks was a bit more excited than me >_<)

I think the only downside's of the day was the sheer amount of old ladies and unfortunately the prices of which the craft stuff was selling at. Bummer.

.. So here are some generic image's of the day 

My knitting looked like noodles
The main entrance :)
Beautiful bunting just inside!
I <3'ed this giant scarf!! 
Miiks had a go at hand made felt balling :D
Very pretty ..
I really like the colours in this picture!!
I'm really liking patchwork at the moment :)

Overall, the show was pretty good and worth the 4 hour trip down :) Currently the show is continuing until the 9th of october, but if that's impossible for you then check out Twisted Thread's website for 2012 shows HERE!!

(unsure of which images come from which stall's so if there's a problem with ownership etc, email me and credit will be given or images taken off the blog)

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