Friday, March 04, 2011

UWO waddlin' and Fallin'..

Woah woah woah! A week's gone so fast and here we are (MikiPoo and JunkiPie) schtuffing our faces with money off MacDonalds ;D

LORD L, isn't it the Best feeling ever when you PASS an exam which you thought you'd have FAILED miserably! GOODBYE MOLEY MOLEY!

AaHa! As we have previously mentioned, today IZ ZE DAY of ZE FASHION SHOW! No trippin' ladeeez :P I, MikiPoo will be wearing a dress which has got POO (XD) hanging down the back! OH and its now 1:24 mins. until it all Starts to rock and i STILL don't have a clue of whats gonna happen to my highland cow fringe :S

But poor poor JunkiPie isn't doing the Catwalk [MEOW] due to the fact that 1, I'm DISEASED.. Well recovering anyway and 2, IMMA MUNSCHTER! XD but instead I get to run like a manic zombie and get to chase people up and get them on stage.. FEEL THE POWER *Zhoom*

P.S There is a MAJIC portal in MacDonald's which swallows up some people, and spits others out.. I mean it just spat out Mr Tumnus

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